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Suzhou Shin Kong Place

viewing count:190Times Update time: 2021-04-10

Suzhou Shin Kong Place

Project location: China. Suzhou Xinguang Tiandi|Project time: 2015

The client said: This is the age of looking at the beauty. The creative and exquisite supermarket design can not only enhance the commercial value of the brand, but also enhance the status of the project in the hearts of consumers. Let the project become a new local business card. The H-line series of Beilitai Ceramics integrates local culture and brand concept, further interprets the cultural value of the brand, and demonstrates the brand's strategy from a deep level.
Quality escort
Choosing us means choosing a good life promise
25 years of experience in manufacturing
100+ global customers
2 environmentally friendly factories
3 global design centers
308+ national outlets
100+ patents